There Is Still a Virus Among Us...
Willingly or not and with various levels of anxiety, we are being propelled back to our "normal lives." As much as I welcome the long-lost freedom, I can't help but feel uneasy about it at the same time. Especially as the weather is slowly turning, and we are spending more and more time indoors. We no longer have to self-isolate after coming into contact with COVID-positive people. Unless we test positive. We can continue to work, drop off children at school and activities, meet with friends and family. Unless we test positive. The question is, what if we take the test too early? We will carry on with our lives, infecting many others in the process. Only to test positive a day or two later. It just doesn't seem right. After eighteen months of drumming into us how deadly the virus is and how we must protect everyone, we are being told to get on with it. It is not an easy transition, considering the pandemic hasn't ended yet... Travelling through Europe in the summ...