Our Worth
I'm not sure when vigils became political... Perhaps the growing feeling of social injustice has something to do with it? Perhaps there is a belief that making them political will help to bring the much needed change? Still, I have no intentions to get political here. When I heard what happened to Sarah Everard (RIP), I was shaken to the core. Last weekend, I read an article referencing the tragic loss and it touched a nerve. My sons ask if a man has ever hurt me. Not really, I lie | Life and style | The Guardian A man has never hurt me, but without giving it a second thought I could add a few examples to the list of when I felt unsafe or harassed... Suppose, similarly to the author of the article, I should consider myself lucky... Except, I don't want to feel lucky. I want feeling safe and respected to be the norm. Despite the overwhelming statistics, I'm not pointing the finger at men. Anyone can be an abuser. Anyone can fall victim to abuse. The bottom line is, we need...